Pros and Cons of Blogging
3 min read
Blogs and blogging: Advantages and disadvantages International Relations And Security Network’t it interesting that some from ye most significant ‘revolutions’ from ye last twenty geezerhood have all had to do with writing? How retro is that? Number One we hold email, then webpages, then mobile telephone texting, and now web log. All this reflects a tendency whereby the man is decorous more than than formal in how it communicates. Instead of body language and eternal conversations, communicating hour angle shifted towards eternal words on a screen. Bloggers ar people with attitude. They say there’s a book inside everybody. Well, the Web and web log wealthy person let ye book out! There has literally been a detonation of opinion. Traditionally, public relations was about honing a silvery message that communicated precisely what the organisation wanted us to hear. Now, we can hear all form of voices on the topic.
It’s true democracy at work. Ye advantages from web log from an organisational view include ye followers:
1. Ye consumer and citizen ar possibly better informed and this can only be good for ye long-term health from our societies and economic system.
2. Blogs rich soul potential to assistance ye organization develop stronger relationships and trade name loyalty with its client, every bit they interact with ye ‘human human face’ from ye organization through blogs.
3. Blogs, in an intranet environment, can be a excellent manner of sharing cognition inside ye organisation.
4. Blogs can be a positive way from getting feedback, and keeping your finger on the pulse, equally readers react to certain pieces, advise tale ideas, etc.
5. Blogs can habitus ye profile of the writer, showcasing ye organization as having talent and expertise.
The disadvantages of blogs are:
1. Most people preceptor’t have very much to say that’s interesting, and/or are unable to write down plumage their thought in a compelling and clear manner.
2. I rich person oftentimes found that ye people who have most time to write have least to say, and the people who have most to say don’t have enough clip to indite it. Thus, the real expertise within ye organisation ballad hidden, equally you get drowned in trivia.
3. Like practically everything else on the Web, blogs ar easy to start and hard to keep. Writing coherently is i of the most difficult and time-consuming project for a mortal existence to attempt. So, far from blogs beingness a cheap scheme, they ar a very expensive ace, inch that they eat up time. As a effect, many blogs are not updated, thus damaging rather than heighten the reputation of the organization.
4. Organisation ar not democracies. The Web makes many organizations look like disorganizations, with multiple tones and thought. Reverse to what some mightiness think, the average client prefers it if the organization they are about to purchase from is at least somewhat coherent. There’s money in words; real value, real worth. I’m not a blogger just I do have this newsletter and I can state you that these FIVE HUNDRED or so words that I publish every week have seen a major tax tax return on investing for me. As an mortal, I would highly urge that you have some sort of publishing strategy, whether it be a web log, newssheet, writing articles for magazines, website or any. This is a age wherever you will physical structure-build your professional reputation word by word. Start off by finding something people care about and that you care about.