Small Business Blog
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New Travel Requirements (Gadling) Filed under: Learning , Business , Events , Gear I for one say hallelujah! Why? Because I have not lost about half a dozen really nice Swiss Army pocket knives while traveling. I keep one on my keychain for all sorts of reasons: cutting away errant threads on my shirt, slicing off hangnails, carving my name in a tree here or there. The one thing Iâ??ve never done with my small pocket knife Gus Mueller on how to become an indie Mac developer (The Unofficial Apple Weblog) Filed under: Software , Odds and ends Gus Mueller , maker of VoodooPad and FlyGesture , has posted a few tips for people who are looking to become an independent Mac software developer. While Gus is obviously focused on Mac software most of his tips can be applied to any small business that you may want to start. I have always thought in the back of my mind that it would be fun to run Midday Business Report: Losses grow for Twinkie maker (Kansas City Star) Losses continued to mount for bankrupt Interstate Bakeries Corp., the maker of Twinkies and Wonder Bread. Cafe Taps Viral Marketing: Counts on Success Through Internet Word-of-Mouth (RedNova) By Meghann M. Cuniff, The Spokesman-Review, Spokane, Wash., The Spokesman-Review, Spokane, Wash. Dec. 28–Ben Delaney isn’t worried about word of his new business, Junebugs Cafe, spreading around Spokane.
Everything youâ??d wantâ?? (Nuvo) Jermaine Oâ??Neal talks up new nightspot Steve Hammer Steve Hammer’s Blog Jermaine O’Neal and John Wade have collaborated on Seven, which opens Dec. 30. Jermaine Oâ??Neal is an All-Star basketball player, philanthropist and businessman. Now, you can add â??nightclub ownerâ? … Dell creates UK Firefox buzz (CNET) Blog: There’s a lot of talk out there about news that Dell has started including Firefox with its desktops in the UK, which was… USA Today on Immigrant Travel (Gadling) Filed under: Business , Stories Before I board most flights I like to do a little surveying of the passengers boarding with me. Mostly because I enjoy the sport and game of people watching, but I also try to find the commonalities between my travels and theirs. For the most part I travel for play and leisure with a business meeting or two in the works, but you’d never know this from my Business calendar — Dec. 26, 2005 (Tennessean) ” How to Write a Business Plan ” presented by SCORE, 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 5, First Tennessee Bank offices, 2525 West End Ave., Suite 300. $20. Call SCORE at 736-7621 after Jan. 3 on weekday mornings to reserve and for information. Xbox 360 costs $715 to make (Joystiq) Filed under: Xbox 360 , Strategy Earlier numbers by Business Week may have reported that Microsoft is losing $126 on every Xbox 360 sold. That figure is now believed to be a bit higher by some. According to Insider Scoop , the world’s largest software maker is losing upwards of $300 per console sold. From the article: “A high ranking friend at IBM, one that worked on the Xbox 360 chip