Things To Know About Web Designing
2 min read
Web designing is an important process as it helps to create good looking and informative websites. Due to the increase in use of the Internet, websites have become highly popular. Today every business makes use of the power of website in promoting their business. There are certain features of web design which makes it possible to develop an effective website. The following are the important features of an effective web design and web designing tools.
Features Of Effective Web Design
Usability: A web design should be usable and simple to use. This would help people to understand your design and web pages easily.
Professional: One of the essential qualities of web design is that it must be professional. Professional websites are important when you design business websites.
Functional: The web design you offer for the website should be functional in all means. It should include the required functionalities of a website.
Engaging: Website design must able to attract visitors to the website. Thus create a website design which engages people and attracts them towards the website.
Web Designing Tools
The following are some of the tools used for web designing.
Coda2: This is a powerful web designing tool which includes various features like text editing, user interface, file managements etc.
OmmniGraffle: This tool is mainly used for wireframing. This tool helps to create a structure of a website. The tool facilitates a link between web page and its layout.
Vim: It is a popular web designing tool which makes use of customized code.
Photoshop CC: This is a web designing tool of Adobe. This tool includes various features like layer comps, Typekit integration, font search etc.
Illustrator CC: This is a powerful web designing tool with unique features like white overprint, AutoCad libraries, touch type tools etc.
Sketch 3: This is a popular web design tool which helps to create powerful interfaces, icons of websites.
The above are the things to know about web designing.