What is SEO?
2 min read
The full form for the term SEO is Search Engine Optimization. It is the method of improving the quality and quantity of traffic to the website via organic search engine results. If you own a business website and wish to get traffic to your site, you need to take some marketing efforts. Let us discuss what is SEO and how to approach it.
Google’s Algorithm
Google’s Algorithm determines the ranking of search results. Though it is a secret, individuals with years of expertise in SEO has found the factors that help in better ranking. Google’s Algorithm is classified into two types:
On-page SEO features
The ranking of the webpage is partially influenced by the on-page factors. It means the things within the actual website. The major factors are technical aspects (for instance, speed of the website and quality of the code) and content associated aspects such as the quality of the contents on the website and structure of the website. These are important on-page SEO features.
Off-page SEO features
Along with on-page SEO features, it is necessary to focus on off-page SEO features. The major factors include social media attention, links from other web pages, and various marketing activities performed outside the website. It would be challenging to influence through off-page SEO. The main benefit of utilizing off-page SEO features is it helps in creating quality backlinks and numerous redirects to your website. When there are numerous relevant quality sites linked to your website, Google will position your website in a higher place.
SEO is the method or practice of enhancing the website to index on the first page of Google search engine. When a customer searches in Google by typing the service, your business website should appear on the top page. If it does not index, you need to optimize your website.