Blog Information
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Blog readers speak up (Daily Bulletin) It’s again time to give my column over to you, my readers. As always, several productive debates are ongoing at Beyond Borders Blog. ZimmComm blog is wired for ag (AG Weekly) HOLTS SUMMER ,Mo. — ZimmComm Marketing and Communications recently unveiled the first blog (Web log) exclusively focused on the agribusiness world. Attorney No Longer Cloaked In Blog (CBS News) U.S. Attorney David Lat of Newark has identified himself as author of “Underneath Their Robes,” a sassy blog about the federal judiciary. The writer hadhumorous references to judges, and pretended to be female.
Bisexual son’s frank blog makes father uncomfortable (San Jose Mercury News) DEAR CAROLYN: I came out to my parents last year as bisexual. They seemed very accepting. Recently, though, I mentioned in a blog that I had been asked out by a man and hoped we would go out that weekend. My father e-mailed me that it was inappropriate and offensive to share my personal life in a public forum. I asked whether it would be offensive if I were talking only about women, and he said, Blog pages experiencing technical difficulty (USA Today)
Blog pages are experiencing a technical difficulty. Popular blog hosting service hit by outage (MSNBC) A popular blog hosting service, TypePad, is suffering a major outage, with old content displayed and no updates allowed. University blog gathers information for farmers (Billings Gazette) CHAMPAIGN, Ill. – The Internet provides farmers a wealth of information on crop marketing, financial management and dealing with crop diseases. But on a busy farm, it can be hard to find time to search the Web for useful information. Max Blumenthal: The Politically Incorrect Blog Post On Conservative Idiocy ( via Yahoo! News) Self-styled science critic Tom Bethell’s “The Politically Incorrect Guide To Science” reveals a lot more than the retrograde state of the conservative mind. Notice the book’s tagline:
“Liberals have hijacked science for long enough. Now it’s our turn.” So it’s time for conservatives to hijack science, then? (This slogan was quietly changed on the book’s paperback edition, but is preserved Buescher blog reveals mind and moves of Grand Junction representative (GJ Sentinel) Wondering what it is state lawmakers do while they’re holed up in the capitol building in Denver, but don’t care to make the trip over the mountain? Santa Paula’s Blog hits one-year milestone (Santa Paula Times) Santa Paula’s very own Blog hit a milestone last week: one year old and thousands of hits, the number one destination of those who first visit the city Website.